Kodsnack in English
All our episodes in English, ready for consumption or subscription via RSS.
- Kodsnack 626 - The great flattening of everything, with Jon Sterling
- Kodsnack 620 - Encapsulation of knowledge, with Dejan Milicic
- Kodsnack 618 - This chaos element, with Ingrid af Sandeberg
- Kodsnack 617 - Craving for the human touch, with Laura Herman
- Kodsnack 616 - Computers outside of computers, with Violet Whitney and William Martin
- Kodsnack 615 - All I had to do was break the build, with Kent Beck and Beth Andres-Beck
- Kodsnack 614 - Somehow cheat the system, with David Jacoby
- Kodsnack 613 - Opt-in nations, with Corin Ism
- Kodsnack 612 - Where types first come in, with Pedro Abreu
- Kodsnack 607 - Emberisms, with Balint Erdi
- Kodsnack 604 - Farmer's disposition, with Evan Czaplicki
- Kodsnack 600 - Just use +, with Christian Clausen
- Kodsnack 598 - Tiny dopamine hit, with Jack Cheng
- Kodsnack 595 - Maintain curiosity, with Woody Zuill and Martin Lassbo
- Kodsnack 593 - Into the view hierarchy, with Malin Sundberg and Kai Dombrowski
- Kodsnack 584 - A free deadline in September, with Malin Sundberg and Kai Dombrowski
- Kodsnack 573 - This is not a toy project, with Leandro Ostera and Emil Privér
- Kodsnack 570 - Debug your ideas, with Eric Normand
- Kodsnack 567 - Arrow straight through, with Matt Topol and Lars Wikman
- Kodsnack 560 - Starting with courage, with Diana Larsen
- Kodsnack 559 - Non-fungible plants, with Cyrus Clarke
- Kodsnack 558 - Software outlives you, with Na'Tosha Bard
- Kodsnack 557 - All I had was science fiction, with Galit Ariel
- Kodsnack 556 - Informed hope, with Monika Bielskyte
- Kodsnack 550 - This beautiful abomination, with Natalia Tepluhina
- Kodsnack 542 - The whole software is in your hand, with Daniel Eke
- Kodsnack 536 - I choose computer science, with Michele Riva
- Kodsnack 535 - Let's make something number one, with Cliff Hazell
- Kodsnack 525 - The double bottleneck, with Aino Vonge Corry
- Kodsnack 512 - Enrich the graphics, with Denis Radin
- Kodsnack 493 - I really care about the weather, with Malin Sundberg and Kai Dombrowski
- Kodsnack 484 - Underneath your library, with Chris Ferdinandi
- Kodsnack 462 - A little metaverse in itself, with Niels Østergaard
- Kodsnack 445 - The momentum of developer love, with Guy Podjarny
- Kodsnack 431 - A game is just smoke and mirrors, with Tommy Maloteaux
- Kodsnack 429 - This is a meetup, with Harald Achitz
- Kodsnack 428 - Yes, it gives me no guarantee, with Harald Achitz
- Kodsnack 411 - The performance to generate the next CPU, with Wilson Snyder
- Kodsnack 406 - Sit down in the middle of the world, with Tommy Maloteaux
- Kodsnack 396 - Not as distributed as you'd like it to be, with Dave Jones
- Kodsnack 380 - yarn generate book, with Sara Vieira
- Kodsnack 366 - No servers involved, Beaker with Paul Frazee
- Kodsnack 362 - It's hard to get mad at the bot, with Nate Ebel
- Kodsnack 361 - There's no way they're using a mainframe, with Marianne Bellotti
- Kodsnack 355 - I think I can actually help, with Stephanie Gasche
- Kodsnack 346 - A golden age of exploration and tomfoolery, with Tomer Gabel
- Kodsnack 344 - How to be a successful heretic, with Carmen Medina
- Kodsnack 338 - A tough battle for AR, with Azad Balabanian
- Kodsnack 336 - Less like the web and more like Unix, with Paul Frazee
- Kodsnack 328 - Cacophonous, but beautiful at the same time, with Nolan Lawson
- Kodsnack 324 - Any error message that's confusing is a bug, with Steve Klabnik
- Kodsnack 323 - Paying attention is an active pursuit, with Judy Rees
- Kodsnack 321 - No more day prisons, with Lisette Sutherland
- Kodsnack 318 - Do not disturb for four years, with Heather Wilde
- Kodsnack 316 - On top of the real world, with Roshan Khan
- Kodsnack 308 - An infinite amount of monitors and windows, with Az Balabanian
- Kodsnack 298 - Purposeful stumbling, with Woody Zuill
- Kodsnack 294 - The immediate feedback loop, with Dan Lebrero
- Kodsnack 292 - Why would there be a simple solution? with Bartosz Milewski
- Kodsnack 279 - Going to the supermarket alone, with Rikke Koblauch
- Kodsnack 263 - The NPM of CPP
- Kodsnack 260 - Such a gangster name for a keyswitch
- Kodsnack 258 - Object-oriented assembly with Marco Ceccione
- Kodsnack 245 - An empathetic thing, with Steve Klabnik
- Kodsnack 241 - Looking for the killer apps in VR
- Kodsnack 240 - The persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud
- Kodsnack 227 - Xiki: an idea whose time has come
- Kodsnack 210 - Expose yourself to ideas
- Kodsnack 198 - I'm opposed to magic
- Kodsnack 175 - It's let me leave work earlier
- Kodsnack 167 - You're part of the sample
- Kodsnack 166 - On the periphery of the monolith
- Kodsnack 157 - I have no idea what a startup is
- Kodsnack 143 - The web standards bug
- Kodsnack 141 - We end up with everybody being better
- Kodsnack 136 - You can do all of this with the brain of a sesame seed
- Kodsnack 134 - Allowed to be a beginner again
- Kodsnack 83 - Easy by virtue of travelling the hard way
- Kodsnack 82 - It's very difficult to make a joke in this space
- Kodsnack 80 - Where numbers don't have to be special anymore
- Kodsnack 78 - Stirring the pot is necessary
- Kodsnack 34 - Intervju med Jono Bacon